Plot (Spoiler)
Stewie finds some blood in his trunks after using the slip ‘n slide at a block party and thinks he’s starting his period. Brian is certain that Stewie’s bleeding because he hurt himself on a slide bump, but Stewie won’t budge until he notices that he isn’t bleeding the next day. Peter and the lads are feeling more worn out than usual, so Mayor Wild West invites them to spend the weekend at his dude ranch to regain their mojo. A bear attacks them and takes Peter’s hat while he prepares them to be cowboys by making them drive a herd of cattle without his assistance.
When Stewie learns what spotting is, he assumes that he and Rupert are expecting a child. Stewie admits that he was aware he wasn’t pregnant all along after pretending to have an abortion after Brian failed to wake him up once more. For the sake of their manhood, the boys decide to get revenge at the bear. To put them to the test, they tame the bear, who turns out to be Mayor West who has been wearing a bear suit the entire while. In the end, Lois goes to a female dude ranch with Bonnie and Donna, but she finds the activities uninteresting. Mayor West responds that he preferred the original Ghostbusters to the female version when Lois says she preferred the male version.
can we get closed caps please
Sure thing! we’re working as fast as we can to bring closed captions for all seasons