Episode 14 | White Meg Can’t Jump

Plot (Spoiler)

While at lunch, after Meg shoves past the other students to nab her preferred slice of pizza, she gets noticed by Principal Shepherd, who is coaching the girls’ basketball team and offers her to try out. When she succeeds at the tryouts but not during practice, Quagmire points out that Peter’s belittling is what motivated her to play at her best, so Peter agrees to insult her from the stands at every game. During one of the later basketball games, Peter loses his voice and almost costs Meg the passage to the championship, with her only making it due to the other team getting disqualified for having Gilbert Gottfried as a player. With some provocation from Meg and despite Dr. Hartman’s warnings, Peter insults her one last time, but her championship victory results in little more than a picture on the wall at Applebee’s. Meanwhile, Stewie discovers several baby-centric conspiracy videos on YouTube, including one that tells him the real reason behind nap time. When it turns out to be correct, he falls further down the rabbit hole, eventually discovering that Lois’ “the floor is lava” trick is just a ploy to keep him away while she’s sleeping with Peter. The sight of his parents having sex traumatizes him so much that he develops multiple personalities: Mrs. Padberry-Wilkerson, Boone, Kermit the Frog, The Jace Man, Rick, and Gilbert Gottfried. When Brian fails to help Stewie out on his own, he takes him to Bruce where the personas start to butt heads in an attempt to work things out. Brian eventually calms Stewie down by telling him that his parents weren’t actually having sex, before telling him that the white lies his parents tell him are actually for his own good.Note: This episode was dedicated in memory of Gilbert Gottfried, who passed away some time after the episode was made.


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