Plot (Spoiler)
Chris and Meg are assigned to take Stewie to a friend’s birthday celebration at the bowling alley at the insistence of Peter and Lois. Peter and the boys are also going to be bowling on the side. Bruce bemoans the fact that he wants a child as Meg offers to stay behind and assist clean up after the party. To her parents’ dismay, Meg volunteers to be Bruce and Jeffrey’s surrogate as she knows she won’t have many suitors. Meg follows through with the implantation and continues to carry the pregnancy, but her family becomes irritated with her frequent mood swings and other needs. One montage later, Meg gives birth to a girl named Liza, but after some hesitancy on the part of Bruce and Jeffery, she offers to raise her temporarily while they finish preparing their house.
Although Lois loves the thought of being a GILF, she gets worried when Liza’s dads don’t show up as promised, while Peter is enthralled with the newcomer. Meg, on the other hand, comes to like Liza’s company and feels that becoming a mother gives her life meaning. Lois calls Bruce and Jeffery out on their seeming carelessness when they finally visit their daughter, and Bruce responds that it’s because Meg keeps begging them to put off picking her up because she doesn’t want to part with the first live thing that needs her. But Liza’s desire to be with her father is evident from her first words, which gives them every reason to adopt her.